Department Vision
To promote proficiency in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering by creating a stimulating environment for research, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Department Mission
M1: Quality Education: To impart high quality technical education with problem solving capabilities by innovative pedagogy in emerging technologies.
M2: Industrial and Societal needs: To cater the dynamic needs of the industry and society by strengthening industry-institute interaction.
M3: Research and Innovation: To nurture the spirit of research attitude by carrying out innovative technologies pragmatically.
M4: Placement and Entrepreneurship: To inculcate the professionalism in career by advancing synergetic skills to compete in the corporate world.
Programme Educational Objectives
PEO1: Professional Knowledge
To possess strong educational foundation in Electrical and Electronics Engineering to attain successful career with professional responsibility
PEO2: Innovative Skills
To enrich the skills to design and develop innovative solutions for engineering problems in a multidisciplinary environment
PEO3: Ethics
To actively embrace leadership qualities for achieving professional goals with ethical values
PEO4: Adaptability
To enhance intellectual competency along with technical skills by adapting to the current trends through eternal learning
Programme Specific Outcomes
PSO1: Core Proficiency
Utilize the engineering core knowledge to identify, formulate, design, and investigate the complex engineering problems of power electronics, electrical machines and power systems.
PSO2: Cutting Edge Technologies
Explore the new cutting edge technologies in the field of Electric vehicle, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Renewable Energy to compete in global market.
PSO3: Design and Evolution
Capability to comprehend the technological advancements with the usage of modern design tools for analysing and designing systems to confront the rapid pace of industrial innovations.